Sunday, November 6, 2011

Experiencing Irland and Scotland: Day 2 - Experiencing Tramore

Day 2 - Wednesday 5. October

Today I woke up about 08.30, and I did not want to get up. So I ended up sleeping til the time was nearly 12.30. So delightful to be able to sleep in. Went into the living room where Mark and Patti were standing and talking. So I joined in the conversation, and tried to explain the situation yesterday. We tried to send texts to each other, I got the texts from them, but they did not get the texts from me. Weird!

I checked then facebook, twitter and couch-surfing, and found out that I don't have a couch in Edinburgh. So I have to write a couch-request sometime today. After that it was time for breakfast/lunch, and I got a casserole-with-sossages.
Not bad!

Then after lunch I figured out that I should go on a excursion in Tramore, and ended up down by the ocean. And I stayed there for quite a while, even though it was a terribly wind. So I relaxed there and took a few photos of the ocean covered in fog and a light drizzle of rain. Delightful!

Then I walked along the road, to see where I would end, and figured out that it was not the right way, so I turned and walked the other way, and went up a different lane. There I found the cash-point and a "Everything possible" shop, were I bought postcards. Went out again, and found Supersaver, so I went in, and came out on the backside. Went then up to the church, and all the way over to Tesco (I simply love Tesco). So after my wee visit to Tesco, then I headed back to O´Neill´s. My local pub! I love to be there, even though last time I was there, it ended up getting an offer from a 60 year old man, to marry him, and I would then be his 5th wife or something.
He wasnt there today.

I sat there and watch horse racing, not the most exciting sport in the world, but I liked the horses name, it was "Dirty Bertie". Was hysterical every time they mentioned this horse. I actually think it won. I drank 2 units of alcohol (1 Guinness and 1 Beamish) on a nearly empty stomach (Yes I know Sue, its not good for me). Then I walked (in a very straight line after drinking 2 units in less then 30 min) back home. And I was feeling a bit dizzy, and figured out that it was time for some food. So I heated up the mashed-potatoes with cheddar for dinner/lunch, since the time was 17.45.

I am now terribly dizzy, but that wont stop me from participating on the trad-session on "St. Ledger" tonight. *Hurrah*, and tomorrow its trad-session on "O´Neill´s". Busy week you might say. I am hoping for a relaxed evening in Kilkenny, but I have my doubts.

I am now (18.30) sitting here with mashed potatoes, Pepsi and the sound of the ocean. Life ain't THAT bad.
And then all of a sudden my foot started hurting. Probably a strained muscle. Au au, and a lot of mashed potatoes aboard. And David Cameron on TV, I have no idea what he is talking about, since its not subtitled (logical that one), or any sound.

Mark was convinced I got lost on the beach, which I did not! I did NOT get lost on the beach, I walked in the wrong direction that all, and it wasn't even ON the beach. It was down BY the beach.  Later in the evening I found out that I will take the trad-session tomorrow. So we ended up sitting and talking, and my head is aching to bad, but that did not stop me from drinking 2 beers more, and then some water. This was the sort of beer I usually don't drink. The water smells like chlorine, and tastes like chlorine, but I dont care. Hehe

Then it was time for Top-Gear, and I manage to make a little tweet. Mr Browncheese, is doing quite good. He has been sleeping most of the day under a duvet, and he got a biscuit for dinner. He has also posed beside a postcard

For you unconsecrated people, this is Mr. Browncheese.
 Sat and talked even more, about music and what color "charcoal" was. Then we talked about more personal things, and Mark said something wise. "Its not the end of the world" and "It would have been worse". 
 Mark is a smart guy! 
Went to bed around 00.30 

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