Thursday, November 10, 2011

Experiencing Irland and Scotland: Day 5 - What an arse!?

Day 5 - Saturday 8. October

Today is the day, or night, since I did not get to much sleep, to leave Kilkenny. I think I got up around 06.00, just because I was sick of lying there, not been able to breath properly. I sat down on the bed, and checked facebook, and the bus tables. I packed my things, and had a Coke, and checked that I had my wallet, and my passport. I re-arranged the whole suitcase, and I kept on wondering how on earth it could be so heavy. I guess its because of the 2 litre Coke I had. I struggled down the stairs, with LOTS of noise, every tread squeeked like hell.
I turned in the key, and walked towards Ormonde Street, and sat straight down. It was like 2 hours until the bus would come. So I ended up counting every fucking car that drove pass me. I think I counted about 740 cars. Around 12.00, I walked 50 meters over to the bus-stop, and when the bus came, I saw the driver. Guess who it was. Yep, the same guy as yesterday. The arse! So the first thing he said when I got in the bus was "Get in the back, you are not allowed to sit here". I had nothing against it, because I did not want to be there. So sat in the back of the bus, and started counting cars, again. Fascinating!

After a short bus-drive, I was back in Waterford.

I went in to the tourist-office, and asked where I could get some stamps. Then I bought some sandwiches, and ended up at a cafe, where I ate mashed potatoes and cabbage (correct me if I'm wrong) and boiled belly-pork.This is defiantly one of my favorite dishes. YUMMY!
But Mark's version is better!

After this huge lunch I headed over to the bus-station, and guess what I did. Yep, I counted cars! It shows that the Ford is one popular car, especially in Ireland. Sat there for about 25 min, and then I went to find the bus to Clonmel, and it was late. VERY late, it did not arrive until it was time for departure. Nice bus-driver too! 

I sat down and listened to Irish music all the way to Clonmel, and Sue (my host) said that I should get off by the big church, so I went off at the big church. It turned out to be the wrong one. I got off at the church on the other side of town. I am awesome!

But with no further ado, we found each other. Sue is very sweet! And she has a sweet dog as well, a White German Shepherd (kinda like Rex, just in white), and her name is Luna. And Sue has a big, nice car as well. We talked all the way to the house. She lives kinda in the woods. Love it here! Very nice indeed!
She has at least 5 fish, 2 lizards and one incredibly cute cat. She has a lovely, big garden, and its very green. 

The house itself is also utterly charming, there are loads of things here, and I do believe that none of the rooms are square. For example the living room/kitchen is octagonal, but not as a octagonal cell.
Luna loves to play, and she has this toy she is totally addicted to, and she follows Sue everywhere!
From what I have heard, is there are trad-session tonight, and I wonder if I'll go.

Later on, the trad-session got forgotten, and we ended up watching x-factor, and eat dinner. And Luna wanted to be in the couch with us, and then the cat came, and curled up on my lap. 
Afterwards we sat down and looked at YouTube, and sang along. Incredibly fun! I really like this place! And the bed is WONDERFUL!

Now its time to sleep, cause tomorrow its time for Dublin!

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